The Courrier des maires et des élus locaux deciphers the public policies pursued by local authorities, particularly those of municipalities and inter-municipalities. It also covers all the issues relating to regional planning and decentralisation, the status of elected representatives and the responsibilities of mayors as public employers.
The Courrier des maires’ current offering includes: a website for day-to-day local and regional news, supported by two weekly newsletters and news alerts; a bi-monthly magazine, each issue of which examines a public policy or a major challenge facing local councillors.
Surveys, reports, debates, points of view, legal analyses: the formats offered are varied and our “practical” articles help mayors and local councillors to carry out their mandate successfully.
The Courrier des maires also offers a monthly supplement, the 50 questions and answers, providing in-depth expert analysis of legislation affecting local government or one of its key areas of responsibility. Webinars are held regularly to follow on from these decipherings.