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Our teams are ready to work with you to create the best B2B marketing solutions.
We organize real moments of exchange among professionals to achieve two objectives: deciphering the news and challenges of your industry and creating opportunities for business meetings or partnerships to develop your activity.
With our events, you benefit from the expertise of top speakers and recognized personalities in your sector on the topics that concern you.
A unique database of 4 million B2B contacts… All the material to optimize your sales pipeline!
Le format print n’a pas dit son dernier mot ! Au contraire. Nos solutions – encart, publi-information, opération spéciale… – vous permettent de vous démarquer, de bénéficier d’une visibilité unique et de vous associer à la caution de nos marques.
The need to offer your audiences value-added content has never been greater. In this age of information overload, we can help you offer relevant, differentiating content in all formats (text, video, audio).