Le Moniteur turns 120 this year

and has some big editorial surprises in store for players in the construction industry!


Once upon a time… Le Moniteur!

Le Moniteur, the leading source of information for construction and regional planning professionals, is celebrating its 120th anniversary this year. To mark the occasion, the editorial team has put together a series of anniversary events to take a look back at some of the industry’s milestones, but also to sketch out its future.

Le Moniteur anniversaire 120 ans

In 1903, Louis Dubois, a journalist, deputy, and later a minister in the Third Republic, founded the “Journal de l’entreprise et de l’industrie,” published by the eponymous publishing house. The aim was to provide reliable and useful information to professionals in the industry.

The newspaper notably reported on new regulations in public works and started publishing legal and judicial announcements in 1908. This specialized press title would later become “Le Moniteur des Travaux Publics et du Bâtiment” in 1936. It quickly established itself as the primary source of information for professionals in the construction and urban development sectors in France.

With an engaged audience, the weekly magazine “Le Moniteur des Travaux Publics et du Bâtiment” consistently ranks in the top 10 of French economic magazines and professional press titles across all sectors.

The Moniteur Group gradually built itself around its flagship title, then expanded its activities by opening three Parisian bookstores exclusively geared towards a professional audience. A daily electronic edition was launched, featuring both free articles and exclusive content for subscribers.

The Moniteur also includes thematic newsletters, qualified databases, specialized services (including the Indices Index), and major events throughout the year like the Moniteur Innovation Day (#MID), over 2,000 training sessions, and conferences on key sector challenges.

A packed schedule to celebrate the 120th anniversary of Le Moniteur.

The entire editorial team of Le Moniteur is mobilizing to celebrate the 120th anniversary of the leading media outlet in the French construction and public works sector. On the agenda :

Le Moniteur’s special 120th-anniversary offer for advertisers

Le Moniteur also has a special “120 years” offer for advertisers to boost their visibility, gain expertise and reach an ultra-affinity audience:

Visit lemoniteur.fr to experience the big year for Le Moniteur, a brand of the Infopro Digital group.

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